Monday, June 1, 2009

My father chills with the neighbor kids.

Sometimes the doorbell rings and I'm forced to run upstairs and answer it because no one else is home. I open the door and there they are, two little Mexican kids. A boy and a girl asking if my dad is home, hahaha.

He teaches them about organic gardening and stuff, sometimes shows them DVDs about political shit that I'm almost certain they find boring. But hey, they keep coming back. A couple days ago I was eves dropping while my dad was trying to convince them to stop drinking milk. I heard them shout, "rice milk? ALMOND MILK? ewwww!". It was cute.

Cute as it may be, they're in the living room right now playing some freeze tag-type of game. My studio is in the bottom portion of the house. I can hear every word, every movement. each footstep is a loud creek followed by much louder thumps.

There goes recording today.